You’re invited!  This celebration and learning event is for explorers, entrepreneurs, sojourners, truth seekers, pioneers, and practitioners living on the edge of inside bringing the good news of Jesus to their neighbourhoods, cities, and tribes.

We are creating a safe learning space where we “Re-Imagine” together the question: “What is the Good News?”

Our two day event takes place:

Friday, September 29th (7-9pm)
Cost: FREE!

Join us Friday evening as we celebrate unity in diversity around the good news of Jesus again from the perspective of the Circle Dance of the Trinity! Come participate in an evening of worship and reflection. Story and the arts will animate our evening together!

Saturday, September 30th (9:30am-4pm)
Cost: $10 Cash or Cheque at the door
Join us Saturday as we gather for learning circles together! Local voices will guide our learning together as we further Re-Imagine the implications of the Good News and allow it to Re-Frame our imaginations.

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Free Parking at the Venue

Detailed itinerary for Friday and Saturday coming August 21st.