Hey friends! We are truly pleased to be able to invite you to our very first Mosaic-facilitated fall retreat, Urban Sanctuary: learning to create sacred space in the everyday bustle of life, going September 10-11, 2011!
So often we live life at breakneck speed. Life in the big smoke can take it’s toll on our resources; our mind, emotions and body and in turn that affects our spiritual health as well. Careers, ministry, studies, parenting, meetings, deadlines, expectations and responsibilities, and the rush of city life can easily throw off our equilibrium and leave us feeling like a circus clown spinning plates; putting more and more up in the air, just waiting for it to all come crashing down. The fallout is often a sense of weariness, emptiness and distance from God.
But, God never created us to live life this way. Jesus said, “If you are tired of trying to keep the plates spinning in life’s three ring circus, then come to me – all of you – everyone – anyone who is feeling worn out, burned out, tired, sick, burdened, bruised, battered and crushed, and I will give you rest. Come.”
Do you or does someone you know need rest? Do you just simply want to discover God again? If so, why not consider joining us and a few like-minded travelers, as we together learn to go against the grain and slow down long enough to find God in the ordinary, mundane things of urban life.
You can find out more by clicking the Event link in the main menu bar and selecting Urban Sanctuary.
Will you join us?