
Hi, My name is Don and I am…well…different things. Paradox is a word. I have a growing awareness that I am more precious than ever thought possible and at the same time more evil than willing to admit on most days. At about 34 years of age I was starting...

The Journey of an Architect Learning How to Be An Artist

For most of my life, I have operated from a leadership philosophy/paradigm and a set of practices that cascade out of the notion that the role of a visionary leader is to be solely that of an architect. The prevailing thinking that has influenced my leadership...

Music Induced Flashbacks

This summer we had the opportunity to check out three of my favorite childhood Canadian rock bands; Chilliwack, Street Heart and Prism. Much older now.  Less hair, voices not quite what they used to be but it didn’t seem to matter – the now ‘old boys’...

I Smell Like Sheep Poop

Image taken from http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/graphics/photos/ (Image Number K4166-5). I got a call from a friend a couple of days ago.  He has a small sheep herd of about 100 head and he was needing help sorting them.  Some had to go to market. Some had to be tagged...