In The Light Of Common Grace

As a couple who try our best to live and make everyday decisions according to a personal life rule to live simply and tread lightly upon the earth, my wife and I don’t often do a lot of shopping for things that aren’t necessities. When we do shop however, we prefer to...

Encounters of the God kind

On many Sunday’s we go to ‘regular’ church which for the most part I really enjoy. On occasion, which was the case this last Sunday, my nine year old asks me, “Dad, can we do church at home today?” Now being able to vaguely remember what...

When I Let The Bucket Down

When I let the bucket down Far into my heart To draw words of life That could anoint your skin An adorn your hair With the sweet, exotic fragrance And sun-kissed rivulets Of love and praise Befitting one so pure In wonder and moral beauty I wept For I found That my...

What Is the Best Operating System For Church or Computers?

A few weeks ago I was in a learning cluster with a few friends of mine discussing our journey with church and the different models or operating systems of church. In the midst of our conversation, one of my friends used a computer analogy to paint a picture of what is...

Living Awake!

The idea that God can be found in all things has been a rich and welcomed renovation in my life. I am coming to understand that the mystery that is God cannot be contained by my thoughts and the structures I use to think about God, nor do my experiences of God...

Is It Possible to Win by Losing?

This Easter season I’ve been haunted by this question, “Is it possible to Win by Losing?” Jesus said in Luke 9:24 “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it.” This central message of...