Detoxing from Doing

Living in a city like Calgary, it is so easy for me to get caught up in the rat race.  For me the rat race is wrapped up in the insidious and powerful magnetic draw to get one’s worth from how much activity I accomplish or from what I do. It is the subtle...

A Toast To St. Patrick

With St. Patrick’s Day just around the corner, I thought I would give a little historical background to the man behind all the green beer that will be consumed tomorrow.  His story is one that testifies to the fact that in the midst of all the chaos, calamity,...

The Master Story Teller

This post originally appeared on my blog, “Diary Of An Arts Farmer.” I’m sharing it with you, my Mosaic friends, by request. – Mac God. Master of all master story-tellers; his voice a feather floating gently upon the wind and then, all at once...