“Sometimes when Supe was stopping crimes I’ll bet that he was tempted to just quit and turn his back on man, join Tarzan in the forest but he stayed in the city, and kept on changing clothes in dirty old phone booths till his work was through, and nothing...
(This poem by Mac originally appeared on Diary of an Arts Farmer on Wed., Jan 16, 2013) It seems that I love You with two loves A selfish love And a simple love That is truly worthy of You So, I abide in you Persisting in the practice of your Presence Daily...
This poem originally appeared on the Diary of an Arts Farmer. *** The veil Between heaven And earth Is thin Tonight And You My sweet Love Are most alluring Evasively intoxicating Stretched out Upon the horizon In rapturous Beguiling beauty...
As a couple who try our best to live and make everyday decisions according to a personal life rule to live simply and tread lightly upon the earth, my wife and I don’t often do a lot of shopping for things that aren’t necessities. When we do shop however, we prefer to...
On many Sunday’s we go to ‘regular’ church which for the most part I really enjoy. On occasion, which was the case this last Sunday, my nine year old asks me, “Dad, can we do church at home today?” Now being able to vaguely remember what...